Monday, April 21, 2008

The Sharks

Sharks have been around for 400 million years and are the only animal to have survived 5 major extinctions. They have maintained ocean ecosystems by molding fish schooling behavior, camouflage, speed, size, and communication. They control populations by eliminating weaker species of prey and creating new ones. Sharks have evolved to eat only certain fish and are considered to be picky eaters.
Sharks have 2 more senses than humans do.
1-Lateral Lines that run along the sides of their bodies to detect movement in the water, and
2-Their heads are large sensory systems that can detect electro-magnetic fields, find food hidden from view, and can feel the heartbeats around them.
Every size, shape, gender, color, and specie of shark is hunted. Even the whale shark, of whom we know virtually nothing about, is hunted. They are the largest fish in the world and feed solely on microscopic plankton through their teethless mouths.
With shark populations decimated all over the world, the remaining sharks are hunted in the few sanctuaries.

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